The NWIBLT have extended the closing date to apply for the “Community Hubs” research project.
The North West Ipswich Big Local Trust Partnership would like to commission research on “Community Hubs” in the area with a view to developing a two year strategy and action plan for the Partnership to implement.
“Community Hub” means any building that is, or has the potential to be, hired to individuals and community groups for social activity, or used by community groups as a social enterprise. The Invitation to Quote for this piece of work contains full details.
The extended deadline for applications is at midday on Friday 3rd November 2017.
Please note the partnership have set an upper day rate limit of £350+VAT per day to be in line with Big Local Trust Rep fees nationally.
Timescales, as set out in our initial document, therefore will obviously shift.
Please email your application to Faye Smith at Community Action Suffolk, or contact Faye with any questions.