Thank you to everyone who attended yesterdays meeting about the future of Castle Hill Community Centre. This building is a part of the heritage of NW Ipswich and a facility that our community feels it cannot afford to lose!
If you have an opinion on the future of Castle Hill Community Centre but were unable to attend please read on and join in the conversation.
Suffolk County Council and Community Action Suffolk outlined the forthcoming changes. CAS being that they won’t be renewing their lease at the end of March 2016 because they have 2 CAS facilities within Ipswich but nothing in the West of the county and need to spread their facilities.
SCC reassured that they very much want to keep the facility within the community, for community use, and that there are no other plans for it’s use. They also said everything is up for discussion and/or negotiation at this stage and absolutely no plans have been made to close it or sell it, yet.
BLT know that rumours are rife already but at this stage if you hear anything different it will be just that, a rumour! This is the start of the conversation and YOU ARE INVITED but they did tell us that there isn’t much time!!
Within the room there was a lot of interest and a clear message sent that the people of NW Ipswich do not want to lose the building as a community facility.
Within that, was the emerging possibility of community groups coming together in some capacity or another to look at this further.
Together, we have asked for another meeting, with an invite to go to as many community groups as is possible and for essential figures to be available. IBC & SCC will be working with NWI BLT and CAS to ensure that every local organisation receives an invite, not just the current users but do get in touch with us if you want to add your name to the invite list.
Thank you.