What’s On in North West Ipswich

If your organisation is based within Whitton, Whitehouse or Castle Hill and would like to promote your events on this page, please contact us at info@nwipswichblt.co.uk or use our contact form

Hot drinks, free wi-fi, also offering showers for £1.

Mon to Fri  8:30am – 7pm

Sat    1pm – 5:30pm The building closes at 6pm (morning is for party bookings)

Sun    8:30am to 5:30pm The building closes at 6pm

Whitehouse Baptist Church, Waterford Road, 

1st Thursday of the month 12.00 to 2.00

All other Thursdays 10.00 to 12.00

Holly Lodge Baptist Church on Bramford Lane

Thursdays 10.00 – 12.00

Arts and Crafts Group All Welcome

Any craft Just turn up

Drawing, painting, colouring, knitting, crochet, card making, etc.

Tuesday afternoons 1:30-3:30 We meet informally at Castle Hill community Centre Highfield road, Ipswich (free Parking)

Bring along any project you are working on and join us for a chat, tea or coffee. £2 per session

For more information contact:- Castle Hill Community Centre:- 01473 747053 Lois Parris (our secretary): 07951779271

If you want to grow food but don’t have the space or knowledge, or you’re keen to get you hands dirty with other local fresh food lovers.

  • 10am – 12noon every Sunday and Wednesday
  • Castle Hill Allotments
  • Contact Tracey on 07739 516384
  • Click here for more information

Launched on April 1st 2018 and based at Castle Hill Allotments, we hold open sessions on Sundays & Wednesdays between 10am & 12noon where anyone within the community is welcome to visit, see what we are doing and get involved if they wish. It can be a great way for people to meet new people and grow food without having the commitment and responsibility of a full allotment plot. Any surplus food will be shared with those in need within the community via official Food Share schemes.

Friendly community cafe for people living with dementia and their carers

  • Every Friday 10.30am until 2.00pm
  • Whitehouse Baptist Church Hall
  • Contact Alison Pearson on 01473 345350

£7.50 per person per session

Funded by NWIpswich BLT

Lunch club for seniors with activities such as board games, gentle exercise and guest speakers

  • Alternate Thursdays 10.30 – 2pm
  • Whitehouse Baptist Church Hall, Waterford Road
  • Contact Maureen on 01473 749987

Activities & light lunch £4.

Transport can be arranged. Open to all.

Support and information for everyone

Click here for details of events in and around Ipswich as well as online

Hill View Business Park, Claydon  IP6 0AJ

Ring 01473 835477 for details

Activities for young people up to age 18.

Supported by NWIpswich BLT

Full details on their Website

Learn what your IBC councillors are doing for the community, report issues and hear updates from the Police and NWI BLT

Click here for forthcoming dates

North West Ipswich Big Local Trust accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information displayed on this page. We strongly recommend contacting the event organiser directly for the most up to date information on the events listed.