The Fun Dog Show was a real community success, thanks to you!
Thank you to all residents who brought your beloved pets along, and those who just came to watch, it was you that made this show, without you there wouldn’t have been one. Spread the word, tell people about us and how you had a fantastic enjoyable day!
To the businesses and organisations that supported us and promoted your wonderful work, thank you!
To our Community Stars…the volunteers who spent many hours planning the event and ensuring its smooth running on the day, you are Community Champions!
To Bob & Maggi who led this project from an idea to its success…if we’d have told you you’d be doing this when you first joined NWI BLT, you would have laughed your heads off. You have been incredible ambassadors for the NW Ipswich Community. Thank you!
Anyone who wants to know more about the North West Ipswich Big Local Trust, or would like to volunteer please get in touch with us. Tell us what you would like in your area. Can we improve on something? Can we do anything that would help the community? Once Again, thank you all for coming along
Apologies if your photo hasn’t appeared on here but there are many more on our Facebook page so do please take a look.